
Make video with the Powerpoints you already have!

Use your existing PowerPoint slides to create professional grade video!   With no need for a crew or specialist editing knowledge, WebClip2Go allows teachers to take their classroom content – exactly as it is – and use their existing PowerPoint slides to create professional grade video. It’s a matter of mere minutes, but the result…

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WebClip2Go Beefs Up its Hardware Base 

WebClip2Go Beefs Up its Hardware Base  New GPU and CPU will facilitate four x 4k channel recording   Veenendaal, The Netherlands _ 9 May, 2022   WebClip2Go – an innovative new video production system – today announces that it will introduce a new hardware package which will yet further enhance the functionality of the system…

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Progress is like a Steamroller

Progress is like a Steamroller How WebClip2Go opens up the ability to ‘batch create’ video   Fluffy bunnies at the wheel Let’s think of progress as a steamroller. In essence, progress is coming, whether you like it or not. You have two options; you can stand there stubbornly and let it run you over, or…

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